Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The start of an Adventure

🎼🎶"And so it goes, one foot after the other, til black and white begin to color in,  and I know, that holding us in place, is simply fear of what's already changed."🎼🎶 Sara Barellis- Manhattan

I'd be lying if I told you this last two months hasn't been the scariest times of my entire adulthood.  Letting go of what is steady and sure and secure, throwing my hands up and changing what was so steadfastly so.

For those of you who don't know me, here's a little background:

My name is Megan Smith. Original, I know. Yes, it's my real name, although I'm better known as the infamous Megan Lukas... I'm a small town California girl who 5 1/2 yrs ago met a man, And we then uprooted my daughter and me and moved to Southern Oregon. For the last 6 yrs. (until May 2, 2013) I had been working for Big Red.  Yes, Verizon Wireless.  I was a sales representative. No, I wasn't an assistant manager, nor a manager, dealing with other people has never been my forte. So I stayed a sales rep. Then I only had to deal with my crazy, not other people's crazy. Mine is far more manageable, and if you know me, me and other people's crazy are total un-mixy things. Anyway...  I have two kids, Eden, who is damn near ten, and that scares the hell out of me, and Lukas, who will be 2 next month on the 9th. I also have, 5 miniature pinschers. Faith, Spike, Ruger, Colt and Danée.  Now I know what you're thinking, "Who needs 5 dogs?" And believe me, I thought the same thing. But they have become part of this crazy, loving, joyous, adventurous, chaotic, peaceful home. And I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.  I am obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Burn Notice, and Nashville. I will often find myself quoting Buffy in particular, and when we watch it on sydomegocation, my husband tells me I am Buffy. Sad, but so, so true.  You can only be so awesome. My love of music consumes me at many times.  In fact, the only times I've ever gotten speeding tickets were when my "Song" was on, and I wasn't paying attention. *Cough Eff you Boise Bike cop... Cough* My favorites are so all over the board, but there are many. Lyrics move me.  See above. :)  I am 29. Uhh, Err.. 26 three years running. *Wink wink* Although I feel at heart I will always be 21. After that Birthday you really just stop counting. Enough about me. I'm Boring. My adventures however are not...

Fast forward to February 2013.  My husband got a job for South East Road Builders in Craig, Alaska. Yes, you read that right. Alaska.  In February he embarked on a journey that has led us up to this point. I'm headed North to Alaska.  The island we bought property on is Prince of Whales Island. The town our Cabin is located in is a small fishing town with nearly 200 people in it, Coffman Cove.  Cabin is a strong word for our place, I'll be referring to it as the Shanty.  I quit my job in May, hoping that by now I would be in Alaska doing all those things the crazy Alaska women do.  How is this Born and Raised Californian going to Fare in the Wild Frontier? That remains to be seen. Either way, it should be an entertaining change.  The last 11 years this cell phone has been plastered to my hand. I was selling Cellphones when they were still Motorola bag phones. Analog. TDMA was just launching and CDMA was the future. Man that dates me.  I remember telling my boss, "No one will ever use texting. Dumb."  No, I was. But, Cheers to a new future.  I think I will find my lack of cell phone service both Great and painful at the same time.  Hell hath no fury like a woman stuck on an island.  :) Poor Beau.

Monday the 17th I travel to Portland, where I get to spend 3 nights with my best friend Josh Elo. He is the best friend I could ever ask for. I will be me, him, my kids, the dogs, his BF his 2 dogs and Brian his bf's snakes, spiders and creepy crawlies. YUCK. Might as well get used to it though.  Then on the 20th I am driving to Arlington WA. to meet a friend I met on instagram named Jessica Flores.  She owns a Min Pin as well. It is nice to branch out socially. I am very excited to meet new friends on this journey.  That is probably what I am looking forward to the most.  No cell phone service so I will be forced to break out of my shy shell and actually get to know people. The 21st I have to be in Bellingham WA to get on a Ferry.  The Ferry is a 2 days mini cruise to Ketchikan, where I then have have to get on another ferry to get to Prince of Whales Island.  I cannot wait to upload pictures from that trip. :) 

The majority of this blog will be the amazing pictures I get to take along the way.  The Catastrophes I always seem to get myself into, The unique people I get to meet, and a few self induced Vodkatastrophes, I am sure.  I plan on taking Ferry's to the different parts of the state, Picking out hiking boots and carrying my .357 everywhere I go. Her name is Roxanne. I will be trying to post weekly as much as I can, but with limited access and the local bar being the only place with free wifi.. (Dial up) it may be hard.  "You have a baby! In a Bar!" You also are free to find me on Facebook, Megan Smith, or on Instagram, my Name is Volcomista.  #minpinbuddies!

I am closing out this post for now... Thanks for joining me on my journey. I hope that you enjoy the breathtaking scenery like I will. If nothing else be jealous that I get to spend all this time learning who I am, and developing my crafts, Jewelry Making, Photography, Painting... Here are a few Gem pictures of my most recent travels in California.  Home is always where my heart lies, and San Francisco... And Portland... And Alaska... and...

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