Saturday, July 20, 2013

Freezer Jenga

"Dearly Beloved are you listening? I can't remember a word that you were saying. Are we demented or am I disturbed?  The space that's in-between insane and insecure.
Oh Therapy can you please fill a void? Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed? Nobodies Perfect and I stand accused, for lack of a better word and that's my best excuse..." Jesus of Suburbia, Green Day

What a week. So Much has gotten accomplished I am excited to say I am starting to have a real home.  The shanty is named, BeauCD Castle now, and guess what? Bathroom walls are up. Plumbing is in... Wiring is next step. Then we insulate, put in water heater and toilet... OMG. Progress.  It's a fabulous feeling, let me tell you.  Fulfilling dreams, Seeing painstakingly thought out plans turn into realities.  Watching the excitement in my kids eyes when something new is completed. Showing Eden where her "room" is going to be.  She can hardly wait it start sleeping up there. ;) We finished off a nice Fire pit, and soon we will start building a fence and a deck. As for the title of this blog, freezer Jenga, We get a ton of fish and food from our neighbors. I haven't bought a single filet of salmon since I have been here and we eat it almost 3xs a week. that being said, in order to get it all to fit it is like an adult version of Jenga. What do you put in and pull out (thats what she said) in order to keep it all in there.  Most days I end up taking it all out and restacking. i lose the Jenga game. LOL. It is quite hilarious.  We are living out of a trailer fridge and freezer, and since it is so far away and everything is so damn expensive I have been tasked with making groceries last a week.  Challenge accepted.  Ergo, Freezer Jenga.

This week has had the nicest weather since we've been here too.  We got into the 80's on Wednesday and believe me I took full advantage of it. While Mike our plumber was inside, we were outside, playing, exploring, and having a blast in the intense Alaska Sun. I have horrible sandal stripes now. haha. But, I was told that I needed to take advantage of the sunny days. So, I did. It is overcast cool and sprinkly out today.  On our next nice day, I plan on heading out to Sweet Water Lake. I have been told all the trails here are boarded and really nice. I cannot wait to get out.  Now that I have a system down for the dogs while I am gone it is easier to leave them, and head out with the kids.
I apologize I haven't taken a lt of pictures this week.  While yes, the sun was out, we were pretty stuck around the property, due to the work at hand.  But there are some new ones.
Lukas turned 2. Yep. Full blown Boy.  He is OBSESSED with his dads Blue truck. Every day he asks to just sit in the Blue truck. from time to time Beau goes on a remote dirt road and lets him scream at the top of his lungs with excitement. It is really the cutest thing ever. For His Day of Birth he recieved at Bat mobile car that shoots axes and stuff from his big sister Eden, and from His Aunt Dawn and His Grandma and Grandpa Yoast (They sent money) he got his very own ATV dump truck. Complete with motor sounds.  He now takes small loads of rocks and dumps them all over the yard.  It is pretty funny. He is taking after his Uncle Travis for sure.
Dump Truck. LOL

Too big

First Trip to Grandpa Dans. Luks driving

My Loves

Speedin Eden Peedin from Sweedin

Another Gorgeous Sunset

Our neighbors house during a sunset

Tonights sun. peeking. ... 

Don't get jealous... But I've been chosen for a top secret mission... Testing the new Alaska iPhone..

So my daughter

Colt and Danee



Eden has her very own library card and she is using it almost daily. She is loving reading the "Dear Dumb Diary" series.  I tried unsuccessfully to get her into the books I loved as a kid, "the Boxcar Children" or "Goosebumps". But Like in Everything she is her own little body and she is soaking up all the reading she can this summer.  She also is learning how to build forts and clear brush and chop fire wood.
I am currently going through the seasons of Buffy The vampire Slayer.  Much to my husbands dismay. :) I also, before I left bought a salon UV Nail dryer and some CND Shellac bottles and have been painting my nails.  I am getting better and better wth practice. Hey mom, I have nails. Weird how I quit my super stressful job and my skin clears up, my hair now doesn't fall out (As much) and My nails are growing fast and long. No picking or biting for this girl. I have to file them weekly. Okay, Shellac Helps too. DO yourself a favor, and seriouslly go get a Shellac Manicure. Or Pedicure. My Pedi Lasted 8 full weeks. I just recently took off the one my nail lady Kate Did and now I have Red sparkly toes... Needed them for my flip flops.  I have become quite the fire master.  I split my own logs, I make my own Kindling, I start my own fires. Alaska Woman hear me Roar.  Hunting Season stars next week and I want to shoot a buck. Then I will have venison all winter long. Making venison Jerky and sausage is yummy.  Also, catching a Salmon and smoking it is on the bucket list of Alaska things to do.   Beau has convinced me to make up some jewelry for the local Seafood by the Bay Festival August 10th too, so somewhere inbetween Momming, Mountain Womaning, Drinking, watching Buffy, and cooking/cleaning/laundring I will be making my upcycled Jewels to sell at the local Artist Market. Ugh. Hear my tired?  It should be fun anyways. "Once more with Feeling."  Starting right here next month. :)

I have to tell you something friends, Life is FREAKING AMAZING right now.  I was so fearful of this change. So intimidated, so scared to change and leave my comfort zone. But I have NEVER been happier.  I fell In Love while here...
Love, Funny thing Love is. There's many types and levels of Love... Love at first sight. Love that is fast and scary and seems unreal.  Love that is slow and develops overtime. Love that happens when you love friends. Love of family. A parents love for their children.  Love that happens when you wake up and realize you're no longer in Love, but love that person differently, and Love that is hot, and passionate, it burns and consumes... "Until there's nothing left."  While throughout my years I have felt each of these "Loves", nothing, prepared me for the feeling of loving myself.
I don't mean to sound hoakie... But seriously. How many people can say they LOVE themselves?  To be able to fully love, one must be able to love what they are first.  Learning to love yourself is a process.  Believe me. But I am finally there, and I am stunned.  What  a feeling.
The last month I have really tried to put down what was so crucial to me for so long.  I mean, the last 11 years so many people depended on me and I needed that lifeline always open.  I closed it, and decided to finally take care of me.
My relationship with my husband has flourished.  My relationships with my friends are stronger.  My children are happier, hell even my dogs are happier.
A few things I have learned are to talk to my partner. 19 weeks apart is tough. We both made decisions that will forever change our relationship. Him to come here without me, without a job fully lined up, and Me, to stay behind, eventually giving up a career I excelled at to join him with no Bathroom built and No power...  But we talked through our issues. Where many people may have broken and ended we decided to become unified in our love for our children and each other.  I have fallen in love with Him even more than before.  Watching him, so sure of himself, so sure of his family and what needs to be done to make things happen for us. It's damn sexy. Watching him chop fire wood, be gentle with his kids and his dogs and love me beyond the stars.  It's simple, but I feel that this little space has made us grow closer.  He's the love of my life. I am so glad I don't have to worry about him not being able to process mistakes and issues. Mistakes happen. Miscommunication was our biggest battle, and we were able to wade through the bullshit and become better partners, better friends and better lovers. No Baggage.
 I cannot deal with other peoples crazy. Or Assholes. I've sure met a lot of them in my life. You might be one of them, but I don't have to worry about  him being an emotionally wrecked pathological liar, or an emotionally unstable demon, or someone who doesn't have the ability to take care of me while letting me take care of him. I mean, Exes are Exes for a reason, right?  I am just glad I wised up and am so much better than people expected me to be. I am a fighter.  And Stronger with each passing day.
Okay Okay, I am ending for the week. I will write next week. I promise to pack my camera and stop, even in the rain to take more photos. So many memories built already, with so many more to come.

Leaving you with a Pic of me. Teaching Eden how to use the Rebel. :)))

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