Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 1. And Done.

"And now I say goodbye to the old me... It's already gone." "You're my reflection, all I see is you."- Mirrors, Justin Timberlake

I'm pretty much amazing.  Bowing. Thank you. I made it.  Not only did I make it, but I traded in my High heels for a pair of flip flops and some Solomons. Yeah. Solomons.  My Perfume is now Off, Deep woods. My Castle is now a cabin and my bathroom a small, but useful trailer.

The week here in Alaska has been hectic.  Trying to make something when you have nothing is a task.  By nothing I mean I left Medford with my clothes.  Seriously.  Setting up a home away from home when the grocery store is 1 hr away and no Walmart is near and EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE is TOUGH.  But I survived week one.  I only almost rescheduled the ferry back once. ;) Just kidding. I did fine.  But, there are some things I learned from the Ferry ride that if you should every take the Alaska Marine Highway you should know.

1. Don't take a dog.  I took 5. What HELL.  They let you down to the car dock once every 6 hours for 15 minutes.  8:15am, 2:15pm, 8:15pm and 12:15am.  15 minutes is not long enough for one dog that is literally scared shitless let alone my 5.  I am sure I looked like a circus act trying to handle all 5 at once.  at least I was entertaining for everyone. Bwahahaha!!

2. Pack food. A cooler with cold cuts, bread, things you can microwave.  While there is no microwave in your room there is one in the "Snack area" and that food is expensive. So do yourself a favor.

3. Get a room. Especially if you have kids.  This will be your saving grace form the insanity that people endure. Like Sleeping with a bunch of people in an area where there is no privacy. For my husband, it was fine. I could not have done it. If you're a single gal or guy, go for it. It was not my scene.

4. Turn off your cell phone- or get a roaming plan.  you do go into Canada. While I had service the majority of the time I shut it off and had the time of my life.

5. Talk to people. Get to know their stories. Let them talk about themselves. Talk about yourself. I met an awesome professional Wildlife Photographer named Buck Shrek and we had some awesome chats about everything.  Check out his website sometime:  I also met a friend who lives on Price of Whales.  Her name is Linda.  We had a "Date" every 6 hours. Yeah, to let our pooches poop.

6.   Spend time on the deck. In the Solarium. Enjoy the nature. Even if it is cold.  The views are breath taking.

7. Bring extra camera batteries.  You won't be able to stop taking pictures.  For REAL.

So Sunday June 23rd we arrived in Ketchikan. Beautiful Tourist spot.  We went around the town. Since We got to port at 7am AST, we had some time to kill, since our Interisland Ferry didn't Leave until 3:30pm. So we immediately went to a lake called Ward lake to let the Min Pins run.  They just about exploded. True. Story.

From There we explored the town, went to have lunch, then got on the Ferry Headed for Prince of Whales Island. We got to see Orca Whales, Bald Eagles and Bears during this ride.  It was far smaller than the other boat and more crowded it felt.  Many people use these ferries to get back and forth to do "Big" shopping.  I have to go back soon.

 We got off in Hollis, and drove the 1.5hrs to Coffman cove where we were greeted by Beau. What an awesome way to end a trip. ;)

I am out of time, kids are calling.  I will try to upload the rest of my pics, esp the one with the Orca that I caught Jumping. Beautiful sights.  Leaving you with a picture of the sunset the other night from Coffmans own Harbor.  The first three are one night... the last Few are the next.  Two breathtakingly beautiful nights. So I got carried away day 2.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  No filters. All just from my lens. Capturing the amazing. Yes, that is Eden, posing.

Oh, and Next I will tell you all about the first week in Alaska.  But it was too much to type in one blog.  I plan to take time to come do this, but right now with no power its few and far between. Thanks for your love and patience.


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